January 3rd, 2021

Lord, as we begin a new year we remember what has gone before and we anticipate new beginnings. Like the wise men on their journey, we face uncertainty about what is to come. As we move into the unknown, help us to learn from the lessons of yesterday, and fill us with a vision of what we can be as we move forward.

            We ask that you keep the Advent candles of Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love burning in our hearts. Above all, help us to continue to be drawn to the light of the Christ candle, which reminds us that You are the light of the world and in You there is no darkness.

            Lord, shine Your light into all those places where we experience anxiety, worry and despair. Bring us your comfort and your peace.

            Shine Your light into all places of conflict and tension – in families, in friendships, in workplaces, in our communities, and among nations. Bring us to forgiveness and reconciliation.

            Shine Your light of love upon all those who stand in a place of need. We pray for all who grieve. Bring them to wholeness.  

We pray for our households of faith. We pray that your peace and joy will surround each one whether at work or at rest, in their relationships and in their homes. Bring them to gratitude and contentment.

Help us to walk boldly into the future, knowing that You are our Light. You are Emmanuel – God with us. Amen
(prayer provided by Diane Peters)