God that you would rip open the heavens and come down, and make the mountains shudder. But isn’t this season about tinsel decorations and excess?O God that the sun would become dark, the moon no longer give its light, the stars fall from the sky, and the planets be shaken. But isn’t this season about lights twinkling in the streets and consumerism?O God, that we would see the Christ coming in the clouds, with great power and splendour. This, O God is the hope we’re looking. This is the promise of something better. We can’t wait!
O God, but now we must wait, keep watch, stay alert, not knowing when the time is coming. Come, Lord Jesus. We wait for the arrival of this hope, we look for the signs of the inbreaking of your presence.
O God, you keep coming to us in the small, and the vulnerable, in unexpected ways…. In each act of love, in each expression of patience and kindness, in our generous giving, justice-doing, and peace-making……. May we seek your face this season, seek your presence, and offer our worship.
O God, we pray for peace in Ethiopia and Eritrea. We pray for our African brothers and sisters weighted down by violence, displacement, and fear. Come, Lord Jesus Come.
O God, we pray for all who stand in a place of need. We pray for those suffering due to emotional pain, physical pain, relational pain…..May your healing grace surround the most vulnerable amongst us, especially those in long term care.
May hope burn bright for those receiving treatment or awaiting surgery. Comfort the hurting, encourage the weary, grant full healing and restoration we pray. May the hope of gentle healing and the gift of accompaniment of family and friends be source of comfort for all who grieve.
O God hear our prayers for our Households of Faith.
O God, as we journey the road of Advent may hope draw us into a future of opportunity not yet seen, into restoration that even now in silence is unfolding, may hope draw us into renewal and new life.
O God, you came down in flesh that we might have love, that we might have peace, that we might have joy, that we might have hope and that we might have life. Halleluiah forever more. Amen.