June 21, 2020 (Father’s Day)

Happy Father’s Day!

During this time of pandemic we have been using the “Take our Moments and our Days” app and have been enriched through Scripture, sharing, and prayer. Since Pentecost our guided prayer has been based on the Lord’s Prayer.
The following is a prayer from a Friday gathering.
Let us pray,

Rejoice in the Lord always. The Lord is near.
Do not worry about anything, but in everything with thanksgiving
let your requests be made known to God.

God of open hands, we bring our prayers to
you as acts of love for you and for our neighbours.
Lord, hear our prayer.

You provide for all our needs from your bounty.
We pray for ourselves and those dear to us ……..
Lord, give us today our daily bread.

You work wonders in surprising places.
We pray for our community and for our neighbours (add your prayers)
Lord, give us today our daily bread.

You furnish abundance even from very little
We pray for the church in all places, that we may reflect your faithful love. (add your prayers)
Lord give us today our daily bread.

You send forth your Spirit, a breath of renewal and hope.
We pray for the world, for those in need (add your prayers)
Lord give us today our daily bread.

We offer you other concerns we carry in our hearts (add your prayers)
Lord, give us today our daily bread.

God of grace and glory,
you fling the stars into the heavens;
you see every sparrow fall.
Deepen our trust in the mystery
of your power shining through Christ Jesus,
that we may live your love for the world.
In the name of the one who taught us we pray:
Our Father…………
