This Sunday we celebrate Pentecost (Acts 2: 1-21). Often at Pentecost we concentrate on the power of the wind that swept in, the power of the Holy Spirit that caused people to speak in other tongues, or we focus on Pentecost as a foundational event in the life of the Christian church. Another focus to consider is the power of the Holy Spirit to transcend difference. After the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, a large crowd began to gather outside. In that crowd were Jews and people from many nations: Greeks, Arabs, Romans, Africans, and more. Each of the people in the crowd could understand the conversation in the upper room in their own language. On that day, the Holy Spirit transcended multiple layers of differences to accomplish God’s many purposes.
Where do you witness the power of the Holy Spirit transcending differences? What are barriers that you can name that cause separation? What are the costs? As we anticipate Pentecost may we be bold to pray that the Holy Spirit will transform our hearts and minds. May the Holy Spirit reveal to us in deeper ways, God’s many purposes and may we be strengthened to join in God’s mission.
Holding you in prayer, Kara